Article on Ethics

Article on Ethics

A Note on Communication

A note on Communication – an essential ingredient of public service The other day, Mangu Singh, MD of Delhi Metro said during his presentation during the programme on ‘Ethical Work

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Article on Ethics

A Note on Humility

Humility – an essential component of ethics The members of All India Services, the Central Services and the superior state services are at the higher echelons of the administrative structure

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Article on Ethics

A Note on Keeping Our Word

We make promises or commitments to others and to ourselves. God has given us the freedom to make promises. The question is: Do we keep them? Or are we promise

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Article on Ethics

A Note on Ethical resilience

In order to understand Ethical Resilience, let’s start by defining the two interlinked terms. Ethics are the norms of our behaviour and actions following what‘s right. Aldo Leopold has very

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Article on Ethics

A Note on Compassion

Compassion as an attribute of Ethics of Public Service In my session on the ‘Ethics of Public Service’, I have sometimes related the incident of my encounter with a large

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Article on Ethics

A Note on Commitment

A note on Commitment and the civil servant When my daughter was posted as Director Tea Board in Dubai, we got some quality time to spend with her. She drove

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Article by Core Group

Article by Core Group

Honourable Privileges

The Court has ruled that legislative privilege cannot be extended to provide legal protection to criminal acts by lawmakers. Destruction of property in the name of protests should not be

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Article by Core Group

Uncouth Dance of Democracy

Incidents of unruliness inside the Houses are not new and lead to loss of work. Is it time to constitute a permanent panel which can make suggestions to safeguard democratic

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Article by ‘Change Makers’ / Guest

Recent Journals & News Letters

Journals & News Letters

Volume X No. 8 – Aug 2021

Reflections on the Mystique of ‘This’ and ‘That’ On an auspicious day last month, all those who are committed to the higher dimensions of life, express their respects and reverence,

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Journals & News Letters

Volume X No. 7 – July 2021

# “When you meet anyone, remember it is a holy encounter. As you see him you will see yourself. As you treat him you will treat yourself. As you think

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Journals & News Letters

Volume X No. 6 – June 2021

Reflections – United we stand; unity is strength! Shouldn’t Unity, not fragmentation, be the collective wisdom for the educated Indians? Shouldn‟t education teach our Civilizational vedantic cultural ideal of „whole

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Journals & News Letters

Volume X No. 5 – May 2021

ICCfG Happenings Despite the continuation of pandemic the Centre was able to hold the 5th Webinar on the Community of Ethics on April 11, 2021 which has enabled us to

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