Reflections on the Mystique of ‘This’ and ‘That’

  • On an auspicious day last month, all those who are committed to the higher dimensions of life, express their respects and reverence, to their respective Gurus.
  • A Teacher teaches the Alphabets and how to spell, read and write ‘this and that’.
  • A Mentor helps us understand, that ‘this’ refers to you and me; whereas ‘that’ refers to that world, the universe out there; that all of us and the scientists are busy exploring, discovering, enjoying.
  • ‘This’ identified with its ‘body-mind-ego’ is totally unaware of ‘That’ Consciousness, Kingdom of God within and considers itself separate from ‘That’.
  • The Guru helps us explore, discover, enjoy ‘This’ and through ‘This’ he helps us unravel the magical relationship between ‘This’ and ‘That’!
  • That, both ‘this and that’ are one, singular, infinite; consciousness of ananda…
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